Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm in the process of updating my website.

Honestly, I swear I really am. Here's a photo that I took the other night to tide you over.

Friday, July 9, 2010

New Apartment!

I got my keys today to my loft!

Chad and I dropped by today to scope out the place. I start doing the official move in next week.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

So much happening at once?

Well, not really. Mainly I'm just behind on things, like usual. But to refresh the people who read this, (I'm gonna guess there are 5 of you, and one of you is my mom. Hi Mom), I'm getting the keys to my loft this Friday. I'm actually moving ahead on updating my website, (give me a few weeks on that one for the final product), and I'm fighting all urges to getting a pet at my new place. We'll see how long that lasts.

Also, the majority of my friends are reminding me that I'm behind on sharing the photos that I've taken over the last few months, so I'm gonna start that right now.

Here is a photo from Ina Weise's show. It is a collaberation between Ina and Linsey Burritt.

Ok, I'm outta here. I'm not saying that I have a short attention span, but there is a large wasp in my apartment that is daring me to fight it with a can of Febreeze and a fly swatter.

Monday, March 15, 2010

2 Photos from one of my favorite spots in the city.

Mike Ruggirello and I decided to go photograph this lovely spot in between Hubbard and Fulton.



I finally got a few new panoramic photos scanned in. I hope to have something to post on here in the next day or two.

Friday, February 12, 2010

New Photos on Flickr!


I posted some new photos on flickr. More to come soon.